Newsletter FAQs
How often will I receive the newsletter (will it be spammy)?
Ehhh we will try to email you when there are new shop updates! This happens around once a month (or sometimes once every 2 months).
We don't usually have a lot of time to spend on writing emails, so it won't be spammy - we promise! (We'd rather be playing with cats anw!)
What will be in the newsletter?
- New products/launches
- Seasonal discount codes
- Restock notices!
(SG) Can I use the XX% off discount code that I received in my email for my order?
Unfortunately, all percentage discounts are NOT applicable if you order via Paylah/Paynow.
If you order via credit card, you can use the discount code!
(But prices will most likely be a bit more expensive than if you use Paylah/Paynow directly, depending on the currency exchange rates!)